Alphabetical P
- 1p/19q-Deletion (biopsy)Other
- 2-Phenyl-2-Propanol (GC-MS) (u)Urine (u)
- Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) (EIA)Serum (s)
- DPH, free (s)Serum (s), frozen
- p-ANCASerum (s)
- p53 abs. (tumor suppressor protein abs.)Serum (s)
- Pancreatic acini abs.Serum (s)
- pancreatic acini IgA-abs (IFT)Serum (s)
- pancreatic acini IgG-abs (IFT)Serum (s)
- Pancreatic elastase (f)Feces (f)
- Pancreatic elastase (s)Serum (s)
- Pancreatic polypeptide (EDTA plasma)EDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- Pantothenic acid (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- PAPP-ASerum (s)
- Parainfluenza virus abs.Serum (s)
- Paraneoplastic antibody panelSerum (s)
- Parietal cells abs. (ELISA) (s)Serum (s)
- Parotis structureSerum (s)
- Paroxetine (LC-MS/MS) (ep)EDTA blood (eb)
- Paroxetine (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Parvovirus B19 (IgG) (Immunoblot)Serum (s)
- Parvovirus B19 (IgM) (Immunoblot)Serum (s)
- Parvovirus B19-DNA (PCR)EDTA blood (eb)
- Parvovirus-B19 abs.Serum (s)
- Parvovirus-B19 abs. (IgG) (CLIA)Serum (s)
- Parvovirus-B19 abs. (IgG+IgM-Immunoblot)Serum (s)
- Parvovirus-B19 abs. (IgM) (CLIA)Serum (s)
- Paternity testingEDTA blood (eb)
- PCA2 abs. (Purkinje cell antigen 2) (s)Serum (s)
- PCP (LC-MS/MS) (u)Urine (u)
- PD1-IHC (biopsy)Other
- PDGFRA-Mutation (Exon 12, 18) (biopsy)Other
- PentachlorphenolUrine (u)
- Pentachlorphenol (PCP) (s)Serum (s)
- Perampanel (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Perazine (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Perfluorooctanoic acid (s)Serum (s)
- Perphenazine (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- PF4 Heparin abs (Lateral flow) (s)Serum (s)
- PhenacetinUrine (u)
- PheneturideSerum (s)
- Phenobarbital (s)Serum (s)
- Phenol (u) (HPLC)Urine (u)
- Phenprocoumon (s)Serum (s)
- Phenyl mercapturic acid (u)Urine (u)
- Phosphate inorganicSerum (s)
- Phosphatidyl ethanol (LC-MS/MS) (eb)EDTA blood (eb)
- Phospho-Tau (ELISA) (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- Phospholipid abs. (cp)Citrated plasma (cp)
- Phosphorous, inorganicUrine (u)
- PIK3CA-Mutation (Exon 9,20) (biopsy)Other
- Pimozide (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Pipamperone (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Piperacillin (HPLC) (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- Piracetam (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Pituitary antibodiesSerum (s)
- PKU screenOther
- PLA2 receptor abs. (IFT) (s)Serum (s)
- Placental APSerum (s)
- PlasminogenCitrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Plasminogen act.inhibitor-1Citrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Plasmodium abs. (IgG) (s)Serum (s)
- Platelet abs, free (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- Platelets (Thrombo-Exact)EDTA blood (eb)
- Platinum (serum/ICP-MS)Serum (s)
- Platinum (urine/ICP-MS)Urine (u)
- PlGFSerum, frozen (s)
- PMScl absSerum (s)
- Pneumococcal abs. (vacc. Antigen/IgG)Serum (s)
- Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCR)Other
- Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCR) (eb)EDTA blood (eb)
- PNH diagnostic PIG (eb)EDTA blood (eb)
- Polio virus abs.Serum (s)
- Polychl. Biphenyls (PCB) (Serum)Serum (s)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (u)Urine (u)
- Polyoma BK Virus-DNA quant. (PCR) (eb)EDTA blood (eb)
- Polyoma BK Virus-DNA quant. (PCR) urineUrine (u)
- Polyoma JCV-DNA (PCR) (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- Polyoma JCV-DNA (PCR) (eb)EDTA blood (eb)
- PorphobilinogenUrine (u)
- Porphyrins (Erythrocytes)EDTA blood (eb)
- Porphyrins in Erythrocytes, freeEDTA blood (eb)
- Porphyrins structureFeces (f)
- Porphyrins structure (u)Urine (u), frozen
- Porphyrins total incl. differ. (u)Urine (u)
- Posaconazol (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Potassium (ISE)Urine (u)
- Potassium (ISE) (hp)Heparin blood (hb)
- Potassium (ISE) (s)Serum (s)
- Potassium channel abs (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf), frozen
- Potassium channel abs. (s)Serum (s), frozen
- PPARG-Rea. (3p25.2) (biopsy)Other
- Pramipexole (LC/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Prealbumin (s)Serum (s)
- PrednisoloneSerum (s)
- Preeclampsia diagnosisSerum, frozen (s)
- Preeclampsia screening, WOG 11+2 - 13+6
- Pregabaline (LC-MS/MS (s)Serum (s)
- PregnandiolUrine (u)
- PregnantriolUrine (u)
- Pregnenolone (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- Prickle cell desmosomes abs.Serum (s)
- Primidone (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Pro-Gastrin-Releasing-Peptide (ep)EDTA blood (eb), frozen
- ProcainamideSerum (s)
- Procalcitonin (PCT)Serum (s), frozen
- Procollagen III peptide (P-III-P)Serum (s)
- Procollagen type 1 N-terminal PeptideSerum, frozen (s)
- Profile 1 Infertility (female)Serum (s)
- Profile 10 Thyroid FunctionSerum (s)
- Profile 12 Hepatitis Screen (acute)Serum (s)
- Profile 2 Infertility (male)Serum (s)
- Profile 3 (Ovarian Insufficiency) primarySerum (s)
- Profile 4 (Ovarian Insuffic.) secondarySerum (s)
- Profile 5 HirsuitismSerum (s)
- Profile 7 Pituitary Insufficiency (male)Serum (s)
- Profile 8 Pituitary Insuffic. (female)Serum (s)
- ProgesteroneSerum (s), frozen
- Proinsulin, intact (ep)EDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- ProlactinSerum (s)
- Promazine (s)Serum (s)
- Promethazine (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Propafenone (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Propranolol (S)Serum (s)
- Protein 14-3-3Cerebrospinal fluid (csf), frozen
- Protein C activityCitrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Protein Electrophoresis (s)Serum (s)
- Protein S 100 (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- Protein S 100 (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- Protein S activity (cp)Citrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Protein S antigen, freeCitrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Protein to creatinine-ratio (u)Urine (u)
- Protein total (u)Urine (u)
- Protein z (cp)Citrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Protein, punctateAspirate
- Protein, totalDialysate
- Protein, totalSerum (s)
- Protein, total (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- Proteinase 3 (PR-3) abs (s)Serum (s)
- Proteinuria panel (spot urine)Urine (u)
- Prothrombin (factor II) mutationEDTA blood (eb)
- Prothrombin fragment F1+2 (CP)Citrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Prothrombin time (quick test)Citrated plasma (cp), frozen
- PSA including free PSASerum (s), frozen
- PSA ratio (Roche: ECLIA)Serum (s), frozen
- PSA, complex (cPSA) (Siemens: CLIA)Serum (s), frozen
- PSA, free (Roche: ECLIA)Serum (s), frozen
- PSA, total (Roche: ECLIA)Serum (s)
- PseudocholinesteraseSerum (s)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa IgG- abs (EIA) (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- Psychedelics-Confirmation (LC-MS/MS) (u)Urine (u)
- PTH related proteinEDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- PTH, intact (Roche: ECLIA) (ep frozen)EDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- PTH, intact (Roche: ECLIA) (ep)EDTA blood (eb)
- PTH, intact (Roche: ECLIA) (s)Serum, frozen (s)
- Purine/Pyrimidine (U)Urine, frozen, frozen
- Purkinje cells 2 abs. (qual.) csfCerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- Pyrazinamide (s)Serum (s)
- PyridinolineUrine (u)
- Pyridinoline structure (HPLC)Urine (u)
- Pyrimethamine (S)Serum (s)
- PyruvateNaF plasma (NaF)
- Pyruvate (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf), frozen
- Pyruvate-kinaseEDTA blood (eb)
- Urine proteinsUrine (u)
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