Alphabetical H
- 1-hydroxypyrene (u)Urine (u)
- 17-Hydroxy-Corticosteroide (u)Urine (u)
- 17-hydroxycorticoids (24h u)Urine (u)
- 17-HydroxyprogesteroneSerum (s)
- 2,5-Hexandione (u)Urine (u)
- 21-Hydroxylase abs.Serum (s)
- 5-Hydroxy-indoleacetic acidUrine (u)
- 5-OH-TryphtophanEDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- Cardiac muscle abs. (s)Serum (s)
- GHB confirmation (u)Urine (u), frozen
- GHB Screening (u)Urine (u)
- GHB Screening with confirmation (u)Urine (u)
- Haemophilus influenza abs., type B (IgG)Serum (s)
- Haloperidol (LC-MS/MS) (ep)EDTA blood (eb)
- Haloperidol (LC-MS/MS) (s)Serum (s)
- Hanta-virus-abs.Serum (s)
- Hantavirus abs (Immunoblot IgG, IgM)Serum (s)
- HaptoglobinSerum (s)
- HAV abs. (IgG + IgM)Serum (s)
- HAV abs. (IgM)Serum (s)
- HBc abs.Serum (s)
- HBc abs. (IgM)Serum (s)
- HBe abs.Serum (s)
- HBe antigenSerum (s)
- HBs abs.Serum (s)
- HBs antigenSerum (s)
- HBs-Ag quantSerum (s)
- HBV Genotypic drug resistanceEDTA blood (eb)
- HBV-DNA quantitativeEDTA blood (eb)
- HBV-DNA quantitative (PCR)EDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- HCG/ß-HCGSerum (s), frozen
- HCV abs. (ECLIA)Serum (s)
- HCV AgSerum (s)
- HCV-RNA quant.EDTA plasma, frozen (ep)
- HCV-RNA quantitativeEDTA blood (eb)
- HDL cholesterol (high density lipoprot.)Serum (s)
- Helicobacter Line assay (IgA) (s)Serum (s)
- Helicobacter Line assay (IgG) (s)Serum (s)
- Helicobacter pylori abs.Serum (s)
- Helicobacter pylori abs. (IgA)Serum (s)
- Helicobacter pylori abs. (IgG)Serum (s)
- Hemochromatosis (HFE gene) (eb)EDTA blood (eb)
- Hemoglobin (immunological)Feces (f)
- Hemoglobin (immunological) (faeces)Feces (f)
- Hemoglobin A1cEDTA blood (eb)
- Hemoglobin differentiationEDTA blood (eb)
- Hemoglobin, freeHeparin blood (hb)
- Hemoglobin, free (s)Serum (s)
- Hemogram (CBC)EDTA blood (eb)
- Hemolytic Anemia
- Hemopexin (s)Serum (s)
- Hemosiderin (u)Urine (u)
- Heparan-N-Sulfatase (EB)EDTA blood (eb)
- Heparin-induced thrombocytopeniaSerum (s)
- Hepatitis A virus RNA (PCR)Feces (f)
- Hepatitis B virus genotypingEDTA blood (eb)
- Hepatitis C virus abs. (immunoblot)Serum (s)
- Hepatitis C virus genotypingEDTA blood (eb)
- Hepatitis C virus RNA (RT-PCR)EDTA blood (eb)
- Hepatitis D virus abs.Serum (s)
- Hepatitis Delta RNA (EDTA blood)EDTA blood (eb)
- Hepatitis E virus (PCR) (EB)EDTA blood (eb)
- Hepatitis E virus RNA (PCR) (f)Feces (f)
- Hepatitis E-Virus abs.Serum (s)
- HER2-IHC (biopsy)Other
- HER2-ProteinSerum (s)
- Herpes simplex 1/2 DNA (PCR)Other
- Herpes simplex virus abs.Serum (s)
- Herpes simplex virus abs. (IgG) (CLIA)Serum (s)
- Herpes simplex virus abs. (IgM) (CLIA)Serum (s)
- Herpes simplex virus DNA, type 1,2Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- HEV abs. (IgG)Serum (s)
- HEV abs. (IgG/immunoblot)Serum (s)
- HEV abs. (IgM)Serum (s)
- HEV abs. (IgM/immunoblot)Serum (s)
- Hexachlorbenzole (GC) (NaF)NaF plasma (NaF)
- Hexokinase (EDTA blood)EDTA blood (eb)
- HGH (Human Growth Hormone)Serum, frozen (s)
- HHV DNA (Typ 8, PCR)Other
- HHV8 IgG spec. abs.(s) (IFT)Serum (s)
- HIPA (Heparin-induced platelet aggr.)Serum (s)
- Hippuric acid incl. Methylhippuric acidUrine (u)
- Histamine (ep)EDTA blood (eb), frozen
- Histamine (hb)Heparin plasma, frozen (hp)
- Histone abs (s)Serum (s)
- Histoplasma abs.Serum (s)
- HIV 1,2 abs. (ECLIA)Serum (s)
- HIV 1-RNA (PCR) (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- HIV 1/2 abs. ,WB (Line Assay)Serum (s)
- HIV resistance: Integrase InhibitorsEDTA blood (eb)
- HIV TropismEDTA blood (eb)
- HIV-1 genotypic resistance testingEDTA blood (eb)
- HIV-1 RNA quantitativeEDTA blood (eb)
- HLA ABC (class I) typingEDTA blood (eb)
- HLA B 27 (PCR)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA class II (DQ)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA class II (DR)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA class II typing (DR/DQ)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA I/II absSerum (s)
- HLA typing (complete)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA-B*57:01 (Abacavir hypersensitivity)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA-B51 (M. Behcet)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA-DQ2/8 (celiac disease)EDTA blood (eb)
- HLA-DQ6 (DQB1*06:02, narcolepsy)EDTA blood (eb)
- HMG-CoA reductase abs.Serum (s)
- HOMA-IndexSerum (s)
- HOMA-IndexSerum, frozen (s)
- Homocysteine (LC-MS/MS) (naf)NaF plasma (NaF)
- HomocystineUrine (u)
- Homogentisic acidUrine, frozen, frozen
- Homovanillic acid (u)Urine (u)
- HPV-PCR/Chip (FFPE) (biopsy)Other
- HSV antibody index (AI)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- HTLV I, II abs. (line assay)Serum (s)
- HTLV I/II abs (EIA)Serum (s)
- Hu abs (IFT) (csf)Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
- Hu abs. (IFT) (s)Serum (s)
- Human Epididymis protein 4Serum, frozen (s)
- Human Herpes DNA, type 7 (PCR)EDTA blood (eb)
- Human herpes virus abs. (type 6, IgG)Serum (s)
- Human herpes virus abs. (type 6, IgM)Serum (s)
- Human herpes virus type 7 absSerum (s)
- Human papilloma virus DNA (PCR)Swab
- Human placental lactogen (s)Serum (s)
- HydrochlorothiazideSerum (s)
- Hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase (HBDH)Serum (s), frozen
- Hydroxychloroquine (LC-MS) (S)Serum (s)
- hyperchrome Anemia / megaloblastic Anemia
- Hyperlipaemia
- Inhibitor FVIII qual. (cp)Citrated plasma, frozen (cp)
- Metapneomovirus RNA (PCR)Other
- UreaUrine (u)
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