
Protein S 100 (csf) (Cerebrospinal fluid (csf))

Specimens: 1 ml frozen Cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
Preanalytics/Notes: Freeze csf, dispatch deep-frozen in a separate sample. Patients receiving high doses of biotin (> 5 mg / day) should be sampled at least 8 hours after the last application, as high levels of biotin may interfere with the test system. Please send a separate frozen CSF sample for this test.
Method: CLIA
Dimension: µg/l
Set-up: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Duration: 1 day
Indication/Significance: Differential diagnostics in the case of CUP (cancer of unknown primary) Tumour markers for malignant melanoma to estimate the prognosis, to monitor the efficiency of therapy and for follow-up Neurological indications e.g. as destruction parameters for the assessment of organic brain damages such as hypoxia, after resuscitation, cerebral contusion Diagnosis of dementia in the CSF and detection in the case of prion disease (e.g. Creutzfeld-Jakob disease)
Further tests: Tau protein or beta amyloid in the CSF

sample referred to a partner lab

Reference range / valuation (openclose)

initial letter

Abrechnung GOÄ

Die Kosten werden für den i. d. R. genutzten 1,15-fachen GOÄ-Satz dargestellt. Wird die Unter­suchung nicht in Ihrem regionalen Labor durch­geführt, erfolgt die Analyse in dem Labor, das im Leistungs­ver­zeich­nis genannt ist. In diesem Fall gilt der dort für die Untersuchung angegebene Preis.