
Thrombophilia Screening Panel


Consent form for genetic tests needs to signed by the patient and submitted to us. 

includes following tests: Lupus anticoagulants (Citrated plasma, frozen (cp))
Protein C activity (Citrated plasma, frozen (cp))
Cardiolipin abs (s) (Serum (s))
Prothrombin (factor II) mutation (EDTA blood (eb))
Factor V gene mutation (Leiden mutation) (EDTA blood (eb))
Beta-2-Glycoprotein-1 abs. (IgG, IgM) (s) (Serum (s))
Antithrombin (Innovance) (Citrated plasma, frozen (cp))
Protein S antigen, free (Citrated plasma, frozen (cp))

To avoid clotting please mix test tube carefully several times directly after collection of blood. Please centrifuge sample immediately, at least for 15 minutes (1500 x g). Plasma / supernatant should be transferred by pipette to a collection tube without any buffer or other substances. Please label as citrated plasma. Freeze and send frozen.

If additional coagulation tests are ordered (e.g. factor II - XIII), at least one extra tube of frozen citrated plasma is needed. No blood sampling from central venous catheter.

Set-up: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Evaluation of possible thrombophilia.

Please note that most tests should not be ordered during acute thromboembolic events or during anticoagulatory therapy. Genetic testing can always be performed.



initial letter

Abrechnung GOÄ

Die Kosten werden für den i. d. R. genutzten 1,15-fachen GOÄ-Satz dargestellt. Wird die Unter­suchung nicht in Ihrem regionalen Labor durch­geführt, erfolgt die Analyse in dem Labor, das im Leistungs­ver­zeich­nis genannt ist. In diesem Fall gilt der dort für die Untersuchung angegebene Preis.