
Allergen list IgE: "R"

List of all currently available allergens for detection of IgE antibodies.

Note: In addition to the CAP/RAST® method, we also offer a cellular allergen test (FlowCAST®) for allergens marked with a *. Here, you will find the list of all allergens that are diagnosed with the FlowCAST method..

e82Rabbit epithelium
e206Rabbit serum
e211Rabbit urine proteins
w230nAmb a1; source: ragweed
wx209Ragweed pollen mix WX209: w1, w2, w3
f316Rape seed
e73Rat epithelium
e74Rat urine proteins
e75Rat serum proteins
e87Rat epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins
f287Red bean
f381Red snapper
t57Red cedar
t71Red mulberry
g9Redtop bentgrass
m11Rhizopus nigricans
ex70Rodent epithelium mix EX70: e6, e82, e84, e87, e88
w16Rough marshelder
f5Rye seeds*
g5Rye grass pollen
g12Rye pollen

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Allergen list IgE: Index (listed in alphabetical order)