
Tryptase (s) (Serum (s))

Specimens: 1 ml Serum (s)

To detect an anaphylactic event, it is advisable to take samples within a few hours after the event.

Method: FEIA
Dimension: µg/l
Set-up: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Duration: 3 days
  • Inconclusive reactions with mast cell involvement within the past hours, e.g. IgE-mediated reactions caused by immediate-type allergens such as insect poison or pharmaceuticals with low sensitivity in the case of reactions to foodstuffs.

  • Differential diagnostic assessment of a suspected shock reaction

  • Elevated basal tryptase level for the diagnosis of severe anaphylaxis risk group (e.g. elevated basal tryptase value and simultaneously anaphylactic reactions to insect bites in the medical history)


performance by Bioscientia medical service centers​

Reference range / valuation (openclose)

initial letter

Abrechnung GOÄ

Die Kosten werden für den i. d. R. genutzten 1,15-fachen GOÄ-Satz dargestellt. Wird die Unter­suchung nicht in Ihrem regionalen Labor durch­geführt, erfolgt die Analyse in dem Labor, das im Leistungs­ver­zeich­nis genannt ist. In diesem Fall gilt der dort für die Untersuchung angegebene Preis.