Specimens: | 1 ml Serum (s) |
Preanalytics/Notes: | Long stasis can lead to haemolytic samples: Watch out for non-haemolytic samples. Metamizole in the serum sample can lead to false low creatinine levels. Blood sampling should therefore take place before metamizole is administered. |
Method: | Enzymatic assay |
Dimension: | mg/dl |
Alternate dimension: | µmol/l (Factor: 88.39) Calculator |
Set-up: | Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun |
Duration: | 1 day |
Indication/Significance: |
Interpretation: |
Creatinine is suitable more… Creatinine is suitable as a marker for the glomerular filtration performance of the kidney. However, a normal creatinine concentration does not rule out an impaired kidney function (creatinine-blind range). Increased:
Further tests: | Creatinine clearance, GFR using CKD-EPI formula or using cystatin C |
male | ||
from 0 - 4 Years | < 0,5 mg/dl | |
from 5 Years - 8 Years | < 0,6 mg/dl | |
from 9 Years - 10 Years | < 0,7 mg/dl | |
from 11 Years - 14 Years | < 0,8 mg/dl | |
from 15 Years - 120 Years | < 1,2 mg/dl |
female | ||
from 0 - 4 Years | < 0,5 mg/dl | |
from 5 Years - 8 Years | < 0,6 mg/dl | |
from 9 Years - 10 Years | < 0,7 mg/dl | |
from 11 Years - 14 Years | < 0,8 mg/dl | |
from 15 Years - 120 Years | < 1,0 mg/dl |
Representation of age: "from" refers to the commenced year(s) (month) of age; "until" refers to the completed year(s) (month) of age.
Die Kosten werden für den i. d. R. genutzten 1,15-fachen GOÄ-Satz dargestellt. Wird die Untersuchung nicht in Ihrem regionalen Labor durchgeführt, erfolgt die Analyse in dem Labor, das im Leistungsverzeichnis genannt ist. In diesem Fall gilt der dort für die Untersuchung angegebene Preis.