
Aldosterone (EP) (EDTA blood (eb))

Specimens: 500 µl EDTA blood (eb)
Method: CLIA
Dimension: ng/dl
Alternate dimension: pmol/l (Factor: 27.7)  Calculator
Set-up: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Duration: 1 day
Indication/Significance: Clinical significance:
  • Diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism
  • Diagnosis and differentiation of hyperaldosteronism in combination with renin and functional tests
  • Detection of a mineralocorticoid deficiency
Primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA) is a common cause of arterial hypertonia. Its prevalence is 5 to 13 percent in hypertensive patients. Up to 90 % of all patients are normokalaemic, thus the absence of a hypokaliaemia in no way rules out a PHA. The determination of the aldosterone/renin ratio (ARR) is the best screening test. With a pathological ARR, a confirmatory test is indicated, whereby the sodium chloride test is to be preferred. The further clarification is done by means of complementary biochemical and imaging procedures. As the PHA is a potentially curable disease, a general screening is currently also recommended in normokalaemic hypertensive patients if more then two antihypertensive agents are required
Further tests:
Renin (EDTA plasma) with aldosterone renin ratio (ARQ), aldosterone in the urine

Reference range / valuation (openclose)

initial letter

Calculator for Aldosterone (EP)

0.00 pmol/l
0.00 ng/dl

Abrechnung GOÄ

Die Kosten werden für den i. d. R. genutzten 1,15-fachen GOÄ-Satz dargestellt. Wird die Unter­suchung nicht in Ihrem regionalen Labor durch­geführt, erfolgt die Analyse in dem Labor, das im Leistungs­ver­zeich­nis genannt ist. In diesem Fall gilt der dort für die Untersuchung angegebene Preis.